Custom log message format in JavaПубликувано / posted 2011-01-06 в категория / in category: Java
Sometimes default formating of the log messages in Java is just not good enough. For example: I needed dates to be formated as YYYY-MM-DD, not YYYY-M-D and more important: I needed and extra new line after each message for two purposes: 1. To improve readability and 2. To be compatible with one old (PHP based) tool of mine that I use to parse log files. Strangely enough, I was unable to find decent examples how to change the default behaviour and after few attempts I finally come with the following (you will have to replace FMConstants.LOGGER_NAME and FMConstants.LOGGER_LEVEL with your own values):
logger = Logger.getLogger(FMConstants.LOGGER_NAME); logger.setLevel(FMConstants.LOGGER_LEVEL); Handler handler = new ConsoleHandler(); handler.setLevel(FMConstants.LOGGER_LEVEL); SimpleFormatter fmt = new SimpleFormatter() { @Override public String format(LogRecord record) { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(sdf.format(record.getMillis())); sb.append(" - "); if (record.getSourceClassName() != null) { sb.append(record.getSourceClassName()); } else { sb.append(record.getLoggerName()); } if (record.getSourceMethodName() != null) { sb.append(" "); sb.append(record.getSourceMethodName()); } String lineSeparator = (String) new"line.separator")); sb.append(lineSeparator); sb.append(record.getLevel().getLocalizedName()); sb.append(": "); sb.append(record.getMessage()); sb.append(lineSeparator); sb.append(lineSeparator); return sb.toString(); } }; handler.setFormatter(fmt); logger.addHandler(handler);
And the log output will look like:
2011-01-06 17:42:09 - load CONFIG: No value for last source dir. Will try to detect. 2011-01-06 17:42:09 - load CONFIG: Last source dir: C:\ 2011-01-06 17:42:09 - load CONFIG: No value for last target dir. Will try to detect. 2011-01-06 17:42:09 - load CONFIG: Last target dir: C:\