Migrating uTorrent to new / another PC

Публикувано / posted 2008-04-11 в категория / in category: Други

top_logo.pngToday I had to help a friend of mine to install his new PC. Everything went well until the moment when he asked me to migrate uTorrent files to the new PC so he will be able to share again all (~50GB) downloaded torrents. I've googled the web but I did not found anything usable. After few experiments I finally found how to do it. Here is the description:

Short explanation: after installing uTorrent on your new PC, copy the contents of directory c:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\uTorrent where user is your username (on OLD pc) to c:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\uTorrent where user is your username (on NEW pc). Don't forget to copy downloaded files (to exactly same location as on old PC). That's it.

Step by Step explanation:

  1. Install uTorrent on your new PC
  2. Make sure that it is NOT started
  3. Copy your downloaded files from old PC to same location on new PC. Please note location have to be exactly the same, i.e. If on old PC it was d:\torrents\ it must be again d:\torrents\ on your new PC.
  4. On your OLD pc go to c:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\uTorrent where user is your username. Copy entire content of the directory to a CD/ USB stick/ or via network to your NEW PC
  5. Copy previously copied files from CD/USB Stick/ network location to your NEW pc in c:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\uTorrent where user is your username on new PC. It will ask to to overwrite some files -- click "Yes to all"
  6. Start uTorrent -- you will see your old torrents.

6 Responses to “Migrating uTorrent to new / another PC”

  1. SM says:

    Spot on.

  2. John G says:

    Thanks. This really saved my butt recovering from a hard drive crash. For anyone else who runs into this, here's an alternative to copying over all of the downloaded files (mine wouldn't fit on the new drive!) Once you transfer over the AppData folder, uttorent can be told where the old files are located by right clicking on each entry and using Advanced->Set Download location.. and pointing it at the old file location. Just Force a recheck and uttorent will (hopefully!) restart the torrent at the old location. This also works if uttorent "forgets" where the file is or if you are swapping drives around!
    Thanks again Ogre!

  3. SpaceMonkey56 says:

    I relise this post is 6 years old but it still works a treat.I just used it on the latest version as of today(5th May 2014).

    Only caveat is that for windows 7\\\\8 it\\\'s


    rather than

    c:\\\\Documents and Settings\\\\user\\\\Application Data\\\\uTorrent


  4. SpaceMonkey56 says:

    I realise this post is 6 years old but it still works a treat.I just used it on the latest version as of today(5th May 2014).

    Only caveat is that for windows 7\8 it's


    rather than

    c:\Documents and Settings\user\Application Data\uTorrent


    edited to remove extra backslashes

  5. Christoph says:

    Just for your convenience, you can use RUN Dialog (Windows+R) and just paste


    on both machines, it will point you to the right directory on both machines.

    Thanks very much for this easy Migration Guide, really appreciate it, even in 2016 ;)

  6. anon says:

    New way I\'ve found that does not require appdata beside grabbing the torrent link.

    1.Transfer the torrent link to new computer
    2.Open the torrent link, designate a DL folder, then right click to stop process
    3.Drag the complete file to the folder and replace whatever incomplete file
    4.In utorrent right click to force re-check
    5.Now the torrent should be complete and able to seed, as soon as you start it again

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