MySQL "Create table" to ADODB XML Schema (AXMLS) converterПубликувано / posted 2008-09-23 в категория / in category: Tangra Framework for PHP, Web development
During the development of Tangra CMS installer I found that it is really annoying when you have to convert multiple tables from MySQL CREATE TABLE to Adodb's XML schema format by hand. I had to convert more than 20 tables and I decided to write simple converter that will automate this task. The result is MySQL "Create table" to ADODB XML Schema (AXMLS) converter.
Generally speaking it takes something like:
CREATE TABLE `users` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `username` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `password` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `disabled` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `i_username` (`username`), KEY `i_check_login` (`username`,`password`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8
as an input and as output generates:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <schema version="0.3"> <table name="users"> <opt platform="mysql">ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8</opt> <field name="id" type="I4"> <NOTNULL /> <KEY /> <UNSIGNED /> </field> <field name="username" type="C" size="50"> <NOTNULL /> </field> <field name="password" type="C" size="50"> <NOTNULL /> </field> <field name="disabled" type="I1"> <NOTNULL /> <UNSIGNED /> <DEFAULT value="0" /> </field> <index name="i_username"> <col>username</col> <UNIQUE /> </index> <index name="i_check_login"> <col>username</col> <col>password</col> </index> </table> </schema>
I like the tool! Would it be possible for you to share the source code? I would like to enhance it a bit.
Hi, here you can find the class:
Please note that this is kind of old aproach. Probably will be much better to read the table definitions directly from the MySql information_schema.